Precision casting requires particular skills, and the women and men who work for Nowak have more than it takes to make our company even more innovative and competitive. They are Nowak’s true assets.
Our HR policy
Our people management policy is based on a three-pronged approach:
- Recruitment: attracting new talent by giving more visibility to the different roles within the company.
- Training: preserving our recognized expertise, transferring knowledge and skills through apprenticeship schemes, and improving individual and collective performance.
- Quality of Life at Work: we aim to exceed our legal obligations in areas such as gender equality, risk prevention, safety and well-being in the workplace.

Parity and equality within our teams
Nowak promotes professional equality between women and men and offers a good work-life balance.
As such, the annual professional equality index between Women and Men for Nowak is 99/100.
This index assesses the level of equality between men and women on 100 points based on the following criteria:
- gender pay gap,
- difference in the rate of individual increases,
- number of employees increased upon their return from maternity leave,
- parity among the 10 highest salaries.
Find out more about career prospects and challenging and meaningful roles working for Nowak.